Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How to Take Pictures in Tips for Low Light Conditions

Much more than random clicks and going around with your camera hanging around your neck, photography is an art. Perhaps, one of the toughest forms of art, photography, to a great extent is dependent on external components like light and shade to be perfect.

With new technologically advanced cameras making rounds in the market, photography has become as easy as a click of the shutter. However, photographers who are passionate and take this art form seriously need to know the magic of light and shadow. Because, cameras work in the light, it's always been a challenge to take good photos during the night-time.
Tips for Low Light Conditions 
Night time offers brilliant photographic moments. The sky, the stars, planets and the nature come together as a delightful photographic moment. However, the poor light conditions make the photographs look grainy and odd colored. With advanced hardware for cameras, it has become quite easy for the photographers to click quality photos even in the dark!
Here are some photography tips to help you shoot in the dark.
ISO: When shooting in low light or dark conditions, using a higher ISO somewhere around 800 to 6400 is a good idea.
Use larger lenses: Large aperture lenses work quite well in dark conditions. Large lenses with 35mm f/1.8 or 50mm f/1.8 features can be very effective in low light conditions. However, one has to remember, while using these lenses the ISO level needs to be low. Somewhere around 400-1600 is sufficient. This also keeps the focus on the subject hence, blurring the background and surroundings. This creates an amazing effect for photos.
Successive Drive: Taking photographs is a row in the dark can get you that one perfect photo you've been waiting for. You have to enable the drive mode available in the menu.
Use Tripod: Ideal for outdoor and indoor shoots that involves stationary subjects, tripods are the perfect aperture to shoot at night. This helps you to avoid blurry photos. Try and avoid using it for moving subjects.
Use Flash: Needless of saying, without flash, you cannot shoot at night or low light conditions. Flash is a must for night-time photographs. Flash illuminates the subject of photograph and makes the photo bright. For outdoor shoots, use external flash. While shooting indoors, focus the flash to the ceiling to reflect the light on the subject therefore, illuminating it with a soft light.
Grab the moment: There is no point in hurrying when it comes to photography. Wait for the right moment to get the best click. It's advised to let the subject settle down for sometime before you shoot it. This ensures you have the best quality click.
Source of Light: Even during the night-time or in low light conditions, it's important the subject faces the major source of light. The light needs to fall on the subject evenly. You can also use reflectors to reflect the light on the subject's face.
Aperture Priority mode: For low light conditions, use the smaller aperture value like f/3.5 or smaller. This helps the lens to open up more thus, making the photo brighter.

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